Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Very own Kalubihan, Talamban Cebu City

 Talamban, Cebu City Map
Each one of us has our very own place. A place where everyone of us has our wonderful experiences behind it. It is a place which witness everything that had happened and will happen to you.There may be times that you wanted to explore other places but the place where you were born was still the best place you've ever wanted.

I come from a place where they call Mt. View Kalubihan Talamban Cebu City. There's nothing really interesting about that name but the story unfolds because of its history and its name before it was called as Kalubihan. According to the people's story the place was called as Brgy. Wak-wak. It was because of a story very long time ago there was a person whom they call as Wak-wak. It so happened that there's a fish hanged by a man under a mango tree, when he got back and tried to get the fish he noticed that the fish was totally gone and the man noticed a person whom he suspected ate the raw fish. And there the man called that person as Wak-wak and it was spread all over the town from then on they call it as Brgy. Wak-wak.
It was just a story told by our elders not really having the evidence and a fiction that can never be true. Actually Kalubihan was named in our place not because the place was very abundant with coconut tree but instead it was because of the chapel before placed under the "Lubi" where people often pray there kneeling using the dry leaves of the coconuts. Mt. View for the hills surrounded our place really look like mountains.

This is the Tabor hills. It is one of the famous place here in Talamban. This is famous for people often go there during Holy week.
The big blue neon cross rising above the town of Talamban, Cebu Cebu City served as a beacon as Cebu Stories Staff approached Tabor Hill site. The lighted cross itself rises from the roof-deck where below, it is rooted on the station of the crucifixion of the Christ. There are sixteen stations set up by the Order of the Discalced Augustinians(OAD) scattered in the undulating grounds. At night, the topmost portion of Tabor(which means and is also the name of the hill of transfiguration of Christ) is lofty enough to view the City lights from Cebu spread in patterns and blackness that surrounds the fringes.

They also accept wedding receptions here. They are also open in recolections, over night stay and any occassions that you want to meditate and pray. This is also the best place to talk to God heartily. 

Here in Talamban we also have this famous family park. It is where family gathered and spend there time together. It is a place where people can't think of some other things except for their love ones. For in spending your time here, you can make them feel how wonderful the world is. 

The Family Park is located in Nasipit, Talamban Cebu City.. 

People often spend there time here to see the real beauty of nature. They can also play their favorite sports. This is just the perfect place to visit when you want time for your family. This place is worth staying for.